the mario and debbie show

by Mario Pinardi and Debbie Dash


Synchronized swimming. It is a mixture of athleticism, blatant vanity and extreme aqua drag. Synchronized swimming can either be really bad or terribly beautiful. It is quite the beautiful disaster.


The Gay Games are in ClevelandAug 9-16. In which event would you compete?

The drunk insights of the world's foremost queer bar flies!


Is there anything where I can be sitting in my bra and underwear, drinking a beer and in A/C? No? OK, then I guess I will have to start practicing hurdles.

India's. Especially Sushil Kumar. Yummy. I would dress in a sari and dance for him like a fool. There are some hot American wrestlers, too, but none of them look like a good, sweaty f--.

What is in my basket? Well, that's rather intimate. If I had to dine with Hubby in a romantic park, we would be eating cheese, fruit, flatbread and much wine.

I think they will oppose all that is reasonable, including marriage equality, women's health access and immigration reform. I find it hard to accept a group of people who use religion as a basis for policy. Didn't we start as a nation of immigrants escaping religious persecution? What ever happened to the separation of church and state? This is why I loathe party politics.

Boy George, definitely. I mean, he had to run from the po-po several times because of his drug arrests, right? And Boy George is looking pretty buff since kicking his addictions. Lance Bass shows no sign of being tough or even remotely athletic.

Which nations' wrestlers would you want to be pinned by?

August is National Picnic Month. What's in your picnic basket?


Do you think the

Republican platform will still oppose marriage equality by their 2016 convention in Cleveland?

Who would win in the 100meter dash:

Lance Bass or Boy George?

SWEDEN! Any nation of girls with long blond hair, big blue eyes and fantastic boobs, I would be pinned in a second. See my girlfriend... happy sigh.

I would pack a spectacular gourmet lunch for me and my sweetie: Almond curry chicken salad with Japanese apple pear and havarti on 12-grain peasant bread; strawberries, mangoes, star fruit, blackberries and grapes; assorted cheeses and crudite; Osetra caviar, crème fraiche with blinis; green, red and black olives; orzo pasta, crab, caper and green bean salad;$30-abottle 2006 Argentinean Malbec; $50-a-bottle bottle Moet; coconut water and orange juice; and a caramel cheesecake with a tart cherry and cognac drizzle. Yes, my basket will be 2'x2'x2'.

You can bring a Republican to the water, but you can't make him drink (you can try to push him in, but you can't make him sink). Without control over women's issues, race relations and the GAY (dun dun dun) Agenda, they become irrelevant. Yes, the GOP will still oppose marriage equality as a party platform issue in 2016.

"Bye Bye Bye" puppet strings Lance or "I'll Tumble for You" George? With all he has accomplished and overcome in his life, Boy George will always come out on top. Without a doubt, the fabulous Boy George will beat the comfortable panties off of Lance.

Jewelry for sport

Or, a rapper's new trinket

Who doesn't like bling?

40 august 2014

Haiku! Gold Medal

It's nice to get one It's all about sportsmanship Screw that! I'm the star.

You know Flex is going to be off the hook when the Repub Convention is in Cleveland.